Thursday, March 1, 2012

Doctor Who. Anyone who's even remotely a geek knows the Doctor. Doctor Who began in 1963 on (the) BBC, and arrived on America TV in 1972. I was 14 at the time, John Pertwee was the Doctor, and while at the time I didn't know he was a Time Lord, I quite enjoyed the show. I was living in California at the time, and the local PBS station only carried the John Pertwee shows. Years later, when I was in the Army (81-87), I rediscovered the Doctor, only this time it was Tom Baker's shows. I followed the show faithfully, up until the end of Peter Davidson's (who is still my favorite of the original series) tenure, at which point there were no "new" Doctor Who available (I did manage to track down and view most of the William Hartnell shows, via fan network and scouring the vendor booths at local sci-fi conventions). With the "resumption" of Doctor Who in 2005, and aided by Netflix and *cough* some torrents, I began a personal quest to rewatch (or watch for the first time in some cases) the entire original series. Thus I finally saw the Patrick Troughton shows, and currently am up to season 15, (Tom Baker's 4th year), which I discovered to my personal enjoyment is all new to me. Apparently back in the 80's when I was watching Doctor Who via PBS in Oklahoma, that station skipped season 15.

And what is the point of this sprout of nonsense? None, just needed to get it out of my head.

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