Sunday, April 8, 2012

Easter (2012) is over, Passover is on it's third night, and I've finished my first week at my new job. In two more weeks, I'll get my first check. In the meanwhile, it's the proverbial "ramen every night kind of budget" - although my generous mother did pack a care-box for me of all the left-overs from Easter brunch we had earlier.

Being unemployed for two months, and not qualifying for Unemployment Assistance (don't ask, it's one of the growing list of reasons I'm really glad I'm not working for a certain past employer anymore), I've definitely learned the art of making left-overs last more than a couple nights and shopping for REALLY cheap food - like 10 T.V. dinners for $10 kinds of deals. Of course, when I get my first check, you can bet that I'm really considering a visit to a steak house (Hmm, Meat!).

Now of course, I got myself thinking about food. I hope I remembered to put the left-over deviled eggs in the fridge when I got home...