Sunday, April 8, 2012

Easter (2012) is over, Passover is on it's third night, and I've finished my first week at my new job. In two more weeks, I'll get my first check. In the meanwhile, it's the proverbial "ramen every night kind of budget" - although my generous mother did pack a care-box for me of all the left-overs from Easter brunch we had earlier.

Being unemployed for two months, and not qualifying for Unemployment Assistance (don't ask, it's one of the growing list of reasons I'm really glad I'm not working for a certain past employer anymore), I've definitely learned the art of making left-overs last more than a couple nights and shopping for REALLY cheap food - like 10 T.V. dinners for $10 kinds of deals. Of course, when I get my first check, you can bet that I'm really considering a visit to a steak house (Hmm, Meat!).

Now of course, I got myself thinking about food. I hope I remembered to put the left-over deviled eggs in the fridge when I got home...

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

After looking for work for two months, finally got a job offer. Amazing how a positive future can change one's attitude. Two days ago I was in a deep dark hole of depression, feeling so lost that I didn't even have the motivation to play any of my video games. Today, I'm practically dancing about. Course as usual it means I have to start at the bottom job-wise (a position I seem to find myself far too often), but I'm so glad I have a job again I don't care. Even though it will be nearly 3 weeks until I see my first check, I already celebrated a (very little) by ording pizza and getting a small ($10) LEGO model.

And of course, this seems like a good time as any to look back on my long and not too successful employment history. Nearly 25 years ago I got out of the Army, and spent the next two years trying many jobs that didn't work out - Pizza delivery, Vacumn salesman, etc. Then I got a job, orginally data entry, at a local car insurance agency (in Scottsdale, Arizona), which evolved into being a car insurance agent and provided the opportunity of becoming a computer programmer by teaching myself FoxPro. From 1989 to 1998 I stayed at the insurance agency. In retrospect this was the most successful turn of my career, as since then I haven't had a job that lasted nearly as long (7 jobs, averaging 11 months, shortest being 4 months, longest being 29 months), but on the other hand each job since then were higher paying than the previous one.

Of course, every time I start a new job, I keep hoping it will be the one I retire on. At my age, it really is getting harder and harder to keep starting over.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Doctor Who. Anyone who's even remotely a geek knows the Doctor. Doctor Who began in 1963 on (the) BBC, and arrived on America TV in 1972. I was 14 at the time, John Pertwee was the Doctor, and while at the time I didn't know he was a Time Lord, I quite enjoyed the show. I was living in California at the time, and the local PBS station only carried the John Pertwee shows. Years later, when I was in the Army (81-87), I rediscovered the Doctor, only this time it was Tom Baker's shows. I followed the show faithfully, up until the end of Peter Davidson's (who is still my favorite of the original series) tenure, at which point there were no "new" Doctor Who available (I did manage to track down and view most of the William Hartnell shows, via fan network and scouring the vendor booths at local sci-fi conventions). With the "resumption" of Doctor Who in 2005, and aided by Netflix and *cough* some torrents, I began a personal quest to rewatch (or watch for the first time in some cases) the entire original series. Thus I finally saw the Patrick Troughton shows, and currently am up to season 15, (Tom Baker's 4th year), which I discovered to my personal enjoyment is all new to me. Apparently back in the 80's when I was watching Doctor Who via PBS in Oklahoma, that station skipped season 15.

And what is the point of this sprout of nonsense? None, just needed to get it out of my head.

Oh look, yet another Blog. Yeah, I'm a bit late getting on the bandwagon - Blogs have been around since 1997, and current there are 156 million blogs out there. Well, found myself at a point in my life that I feel I need to just get stuff out of my head. There will be no consistent theme or direction - I may go on and on about one subject for days or weeks or merely a single post, and of course there's no guarantee that I'll even keep on the same track for any length of time. Well, for now, this is just a start.